Registration Pack


Registration Pack

Your Walk With Me 2020 Registration Pack

Click on a picture below to download the corresponding piece of the info pack.

Information Letter

The full details about Dementia Action Week, Walk With Me 2020, how things will be running this year, and tips for getting the most out of your walk.

Purple Selfie Poster

Print this poster and follow its directions to enter the draw to win an instant camera and a 100 pack of film. We can't wait to see your picture!

White Selfie Poster (Printer Friendly)

This version of the purple selfie poster requires less coloured ink to print. It can be used in the same way as the purple version.

Walking Activities

A game of Bingo to play with your walking partner or group, and some questions you can ask to get the conversation started.

Want to do more?

Click the button below to donate via our TryBooking page. Your contribution helps us keep supporting dementia sufferers and their families in Moreton Bay. You can also purchase a T-shirt to help raise awareness.

Moreton Bay Dementia Alliance doesn't receive any profit from T-shirt sales. 

Join the Facebook competition!

Enter our Facebook photo competition for the chance to win a Fujifilm Instax mini 11 camera and a 100 pack of film. Download the full details and everything you need to participate in your registration pack!

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